written by G.E. 08/28/2022 Who does not know the showpiece of Louis XIV? The palace arose from his vision ...
written by G.E. 08/28/2022 Who does not know the showpiece of Louis XIV? The palace arose from his vision. He also played a leading role as an architect, interior designer and more. From his father's ...
brought to you by NEVASTALGIA Having attended over 30 conventions over several years, I can claim to be a ...
brought to you by NEVASTALGIA Having attended over 30 conventions over several years, I can claim to be a con veteran. I'm just addicted to catching up with other fans about our favorite series and ta ...
written by G.E. 10.09.2022 (Title picture courtesy Lola Miche) He is a man of many talents, from his prof ...
written by G.E. 10.09.2022 (Title picture courtesy Lola Miche) He is a man of many talents, from his profession of acting to his passion for music and writing and composing his own songs. The enthusia ...
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